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"Spirit Voices" Concert   Nov 3, 2024: All Lyrics

Musikalische Exequien

Nacket bin ich von Mutterliebe kommen Naked I came from my mother's womb
Nacket werde ich wiederum dahinfahren Naked I shall return again there
Der Herr hat's gegeben The lord hath given
Der Herr hat's genommen and the Lord hath taken away
der Name des Herren sei gelobet. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Herr Gott, Vater im Himmel Lord God Father in heaven
erbarm dich ūber uns. Have mercy on us
Christus ist mein Leben To me to live is Christ
Sterben ist mein Gewinn and to die is to gain
Siehe das ist Gottes Lamm, Behold the lamb of God,
das der Welst Sūnde trägt which taketh away the sin of the world
Jesu Christe, Gottes Sohn, erbarm dich ūber uns Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on us


Leben wir, so leben wir dem Herren Whether we live, we live unto the Lord
Sterben wir, so sterben wird dem Herren and whether we die, we die unto the lord
Darum wir lebel oder sterben, therefore whether we live or die
so sind wird des Herren we are the Lord'd
Herr Gott Heiliger Geist Lord God, Holy Ghost
erbarm dich ūber uns Have mercy on us


The Veil Opens

Whenever there is birth or death
The sacred veil between the worlds grows thin and opens slightly up
Just long enough for love to slip 
silent, either in or out of this,
our fragile, fleeting world
Whence or whither a new home waits
And our beloved ones draw near
In rapt anticipation or in weary gratitude they stand
Our loved ones stand so close, right here
Just on the other side
Of eternity


Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)


Dark Night of the Soul

One dark night
fired with love's urgent longings
-ah the sheer grace!
I went out unseen
My house being now all stilled

In darkness and secure
by the secret ladder disguides
- ah the sheer grace!
in darkness and concealment
my house being now all stilled.

On that glad night
in secrete, for no one saw me
nor did I look at anything
with no other light or guide
than the one that burned in my heart.


Spirit Voices

We sailed up a river wide as a sea
And slept on the banks, on the leaves of a banyan tree
And all of these spirit voices rule the night.

Some stories are magical, meant to be sung
Songs from the mouth of the river
when the world was young
And all of these spirit voices rule the night

By moon
We walk
To the brujo's door
along a path of river stones
Women with their nursing children seated on the floor
We join the fevers and the broken bones

The candlelight flickers
The falcon calls
A lime-green lizard scuttles down the cabin wall
And all of these spirit voices....

Sing rainwater, seawater, river water holy water
Wrap this child in mercy, heal her
Heaven's only daughter
All of these spirit voices rule the night

My hands were numb
My feet were lead
I drank a cup of herbal brew
Then the sweetness in the air combined with the lightness in my head
And I heard the jungle breathing the bamboo

Saudocões Greetings!
Da licenca um momento Excuse me, one moment
Te lembró I remind you
Que amanhã That tomorrow
Será tudo ou será naoa It will be all or it will be nothing
Depende coração It depends, heart
Será breve out será grande It will be brief or it will be great
Depende da paixão It depends on the passions
Será sujo, será sonho It will be dirty, it will be a dream
Cuidado, coração Be careful, heart
Será util, será tarde It will be useful, it will be late
Se esmera, coração Do your best, heart
E confia and have trust
Na força do amanhã In the power of tomorrow

Lord of the earthquake
My trembling bed
The spider resumes the rhythm of his golden thread
And all of these spirit voices rule the night


On Earth as it is in Heaven

Vita nostra Our life
Sic clamant Thus they cry
Vita nostra, tellus nostra clamant Our life, our earth, they cry
Poena nostra, vires nostra Our punishment, our men
Ira nostra, fides nostra Our anger, our faith
Vita nostra, tellus nostra Our life, our earth
Gloria Gloria